In the thought-provoking documentary “The Trouble With KanYe,” journalist Mobeen Azhar dives into the perplexing transformation of musical artist Kanye West, now known as Ye. This captivating film not only explores the evolution of West’s persona, from revered innovator to controversial figure but also delves into the repercussions it holds for society at large. From dissecting the harmful impact of West’s rhetoric to addressing the stigma surrounding discussions of his mental health, this documentary tackles pressing issues with utmost importance.
Azhar wastes no time in taking us on a journey through the milestones of West’s career. From his groundbreaking debut single in 2003 to his meteoric rise in fame, fortune, and critical acclaim, West seemed to possess the Midas touch, turning everything he touched into gold. He sold millions of records, married Kim Kardashian, and forged a lucrative partnership with Adidas, a venture valued in the billions. While there were occasional accusations of misogyny and troubling remarks along the way—ranging from anti-Black to antisemitic—nothing seemed to deter his success or alienate his sponsors.
However, as time went on, the wheels began to come off. West’s forthrightness transformed into outspokenness, which eventually evolved into unfiltered thoughts and erratic behavior. He made increasingly offensive anti-Black comments and delved into antisemitic diatribes. In 2016, his politically charged speeches during performances led to tour cancellations and his admission to the hospital, where he reportedly received a bipolar disorder diagnosis.
Around this period, West seemed to embrace religion and found a new receptive audience within the US Christian right. By November 2022, his connections to this group, as well as the race supremacists often aligned with it, had grown significantly. To the dismay of many, he attended a Mar-a-Lago dinner with former President Donald Trump and white nationalist Nick Fuentes. Fuentes, known for his extremist views, laid out his controversial beliefs, including his opposition to women’s rights and LGBTQ+ rights, while expressing conspiracy theories about Jewish influence in the United States.
Further disturbing incidents followed, such as West’s appearance on Alex Jones’s far-right conspiracy platform Infowars, where he praised Hitler and identified as a Nazi. These actions prompted even Adidas to sever ties with the artist. Despite the controversies, there are rumors of West planning a more serious presidential bid in 2024, with Fuentes allegedly involved in his campaign.
Throughout the documentary, Azhar interviews West’s friends and colleagues, who remain perplexed and hurt by his embrace of ideologies so contrary to their own. They offer various explanations, including the feeding of West’s ego and his insatiable need for attention, even if it comes at a toxic price.
“The Trouble With KanYe” admirably tackles two critical factors. Firstly, it addresses the argument that West’s mental health and bipolar disorder play a significant role in his recent decisions, comments, and alliances. Azhar interviews poet Bassey Ikpi, a mental health activist with her own bipolar diagnosis, who emphasizes that the disorder magnifies an individual’s existing traits. She asserts that taking medication doesn’t automatically make someone a good person, asserting, “It is you, but magnified. I’m not making the case that he’s a lovely guy if he takes his medication. He’s probably a jerk.” Ikpi also points out that in a normal life, West would have faced severe consequences by now, such as losing friends and money. This amplification of his behavior underscores the program’s exploration of the impact of mental health issues on public figures.
Secondly, the documentary highlights the broader implications of having West as a figurehead for far-right, alt-right, neo-Nazi, white supremacist, or nationalist movements. With his vast reach and influence, he exposes countless individuals to dangerous ideologies that they may never have encountered otherwise. Azhar focuses on the concept of the harm caused by this influence, stressing that the extent of damage already inflicted is incalculable. Despite the potential consequences, West’s speculated presidential bid suggests that his influence may continue to shape the political landscape.
“The Trouble With KanYe” presents a compelling narrative that prompts reflection on the intersection of music, mental health, and political influence. It raises crucial questions about accountability, societal impact, and the potential ramifications of a cultural icon aligning with extremist ideologies. This thought-provoking documentary is a timely exploration of a complex and controversial figure, offering viewers a closer look at the enigmatic evolution of Kanye West, as well as the implications it holds for us all.
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