Despite the abundance of suspenseful anime, none have ever come close to living up to the high standards set by Death Note by Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata. Witnessing such a sombre depiction of anime was both shocking and remarkable. The enigmatic story of Light Yagami’s effort to establish a world free of criminals was unfortunately tainted by the blood of innocent people. Given that the anime hasn’t received a follow-up since 2007, what are the possibilities of Death Note: Season 2?
Sadly, neither Studio Madhouse nor Ohba have made an official announcement on Death Note: Season 2. The 37 episodes of the anime were adapted from all 12 volumes of the manga, concluding Light’s journey.
Death Note Season 2 Announcement
We have been looking forward to the sequel for so long. Many people think that a sequel to Death Note is currently in production. Sadly, there has still been no formal confirmation of the existence of an anime sequel.
The anime’s 108 chapters from the manga are collected in 12 tankbon volumes. The anime rendition has already largely exhausted the source material.
Released in February 2020, the stand-alone “Death Note: Special One Shot” was written by Ohba and drawn by Obata. The standalone was set 10 years after Kira’s events and offered a brand-new narrative to the series. It may make a fantastic place to begin a prequel anime.
Where to Watch Death Note Season 2
Since its release in 2007, the anime has been accessible on all significant streaming platforms including Crunchyroll, Funimation, and Netflix. There is a considerable likelihood that Death Note: Season 2 will be made available on all of the aforementioned platforms because of the high degree of audience demand. Expect to see it almost everywhere as a result.
The second season of Death Note is yet to premiere, despite the fact that the original anime aired more than 10 years ago. Regardless, the 2020 one-shot does appear to be a good lead for a sequel, thus based on our assumptions, the franchise will return soon.
Death Note Season 2 Plot
Light Yagami, the original protagonist of the anime, has since passed away. If the new one-shot gets adapted, Minoru Tanaka, the next possessor of the Death Note, will be presented.
Ryuk will be shown handing Minoru the Death Note in an effort to make him just as intriguing as Light. But rather than continuing Light’s legacy, he devises a plan to put the item up for sale.
Death Note Season 2 Cast
In any potential “Death Note” prequel or sequel (see below), Light (Mamoru Miyano/Brad Swaile) and L (Kappei Yamaguchi/Alessandro Juliani) would have to function without them as main characters, so it’s likely that only a small number of characters and their original voice actors would be requested back for such a series.
The most probable character to return is the immortal Ryuk, who was voiced by Shidô Nakamura in the anime’s original Japanese version and Brian Drummond in the English translation (per IMDb). The voices of Near, originally sung by Noriko Hidaka, and Mello, originally sung by Nozomu Sasaki in the original Japanese and David Robert Moore in the English dub, have both been retained.
A completely new cast of characters or a spotlight on one of the living cast members from the first season are both possibilities for an anime sequel. There is at least two manga that has previously done this: Death Note: Another Note – The Los Angeles BB Murder Cases, which is told by Mello, and Death Note: The a-Kira Story, which notably involves Ryuk and Near.
Death Note Season 2 Release date
Death Note: Season 2 has not yet been given a release date, and its production has not been made public. A movie or anime adaptation of the 2020 one-shot Death Note: The a-Kira Story is also possible.
There is still hope because Ohba did publish a post-anime narrative in 2020, even if it is difficult to predict whether the Death Note universe will ever be brought back.
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