After five seasons, Rick and Morty is now regarded as one of the best-animated sitcoms of all time. It’s hard to top the series’ winning blend of high-concept storytelling, absurd humour and emotionally raw characterization, even if fans are often left waiting for months – or even years – between new instalments.
Fortunately, the wait between new seasons isn’t as long as it used to be, and creators Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon are now promising an annual release schedule. True to their word, Season 6 kicked off on September 4, and we have the full episode guide for Rick and Morty Season 6 for all your streaming info needs.
To celebrate the new season, let’s take a look at our updated countdown of the best Rick and Morty episodes. Where do “Pickle Rick” and “Rixty Minutes” fall? Read on to find out.
Note: this article was originally published in July 2018 and was updated in September 2022 to include episodes from Seasons 4 and 5.
15. “Rickternal Friendshine of the Spotless Mort” (S5E8)
There were two major loose ends Rick and Morty fans wanted to see addressed in Season 5, and this episode delivered a very satisfying payoff to one of them. Over the course of the series, we’ve seen Rick’s BFF Birdperson undergo a horrific series of transformations, first being betrayed by his human lover Tammy and then dying and returning as the cybernetic Phoenixperson. At long last, Rick uses some much-needed alone time to pull Birdperson’s mangled body out of storage and attempt to resurrect his friend. The only problem is that Birdperson doesn’t necessarily want to come back.
The whirlwind journey through Birdperson’s fractured psyche makes for one of Season 5’s most memorable storyline. Fans are treated to some long-overdue flashbacks (of a sort) to the origins of this odd friendship and what led Rick to become the nihilistic, disaffected old kook he is today. And Rick being the kind of guy who never does anything unless it benefits him, the ultimate resolution to this reunion is fittingly bleak.
14. “The Ricklantis Mixup (S3E7)
This Season 3 episode is a case of defying expectations in the best way, Billed as an episode about Rick and Morty journeying to the underwater kingdom of Atlantis, “The Ricklantis Mixup” wound up almost entirely ignoring the two in favor of a story set at the Citadel. Here we saw the plights of numerous other Rick and Mortys, not all of whom get to live a glamorous life of adventure and hedonism. The surprise ending paid off on a previous loose end in a terrific way, setting the stage for a major showdown in Season 5.
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