Reading the fine print or understanding available offers means you could be saving money or taking advantage of refunds or freebies that you might not have otherwise known about, like a brand-new pair of Nike sneakers.
That’s the kind of attention to detail that can lead to some surprising upsides, according to Erika Kullberg, lawyer and founder of Plug and Law, a legal tech start-up for small businesses and entrepreneurs.
Kullberg has found that you could be eligible for compensation for everything from getting bumped from your flight to having a package arrive after its guaranteed delivery date or money off an Apple purchase under its educational pricing.
Airlines are already anticipating a busy summer, which makes it particularly important for passengers to understand the rules in the event of an unexpected change. And agreements like Delta’s contract of the carriage can belong. That’s why it can pay off in a big way to take the time to read and fully understand the fine print.
“Almost every transaction in your life involves a contract whether you’re flying with an airline or buying a pair of shoes,” Kullberg said.
Kullberg doles out this consumer wealth of knowledge on social media and has amassed more than 11 million followers across TikTok, Instagram and YouTube.
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